26 years old Sriwijaya Air plane, what's the limit? .
Nama:Yuventino Belo Kelas:2017a Npm:17.31.2001 26 years old Sriwijaya Air plane, what's the limit? Jakarta - The age of the fallen Sriwijaya.Air plane is in the spotlight. This is because . plane on the Jakarta-Pontianak route is 26 years old. So, what is the age limit for aircraft operations in Indonesia? Chairman of the Indonesian National Air Carriers Association (INACA), Denon Prawiraatmadja explained, in general there is no age limit for aircraft operating. According to him, if anyone determines it is the manufacture. "In Indonesia and other countries there is no age limit for the aircraft, indeed if the age limit of the aircraft, if any, determines manufacturing," he told detikcom, Sunday (10/1/2021). He explained that there is no link between age and aircraft eligibility. He said the feasibility of the aircraft itself is routinely checked by airlines and then checked by regulators, in this case the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). "If the eligibility d...